July 13, 2010

7 Tips For Success With EzineArticles.com

A writing pen The key to success with www.ezinearticles.com is quality and employing keywords in the correct density.
Keyword Density means how many times you use a certain keyword in your article.
People tend to overuse keywords with an intention of attracting the search engines but unfortunately what happens is the articles end up reading oddly. I personally prefer to keep the keyword density below 2%.
I realize that recently 1-2% keyword density has been a lot more effective.
However, for a long time 1-3% was the perfect keyword density...at least in my experience.
Here are 7 tips that might help increase your views and Click Throughs.

1. Be serious and professional with your headlines/article titles. And have your strongest keyword in the title too.

2. Talk to your readers in a conversational tone.

3. Be a teacher! Remember your article must give away a solution or some useful knowledge.

4. Use a 1-3% keyword density and try to be as nonchalant as possible with your keyword placement.

5. ALWAYS write 100% unique articles, don't go spinning and twirling.

6. Give a strong, but REALISTIC call to action in your author resource box and include a link to your site of course.

7. Make sure your article delivers what it promises.

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