June 29, 2010

How Starbucks Got It Right…and How You Can Too.

yellow manic bending over with a microscope Creating a successful business is all about establishing trust.
The success of Starbucks is 100% linked to the trust their customers have of the company.
Did you know - Starbucks have put their success down to 5 principles.
The following is taken from The Starbucks Experience by Joseph Michelli.
As I read this book -- it struck me that the success of Starbucks can also be applied to an Internet Business.
Despite maybe at first appearing unrelated...
...there are in fact many similarities between earning a passive income online -- and going in to grab an ice blended mocha.
Starbucks have put their success down to 5 principles.

They are as follows:
The Starbucks 5 principles for turning the ordinary into the extraordinary.

  • Make It Your Own.

    Creating a successful business is all about establishing trust. The success of Starbucks is directly linked to the trust their customers have of the company. How can we do the same for a web business? Be welcoming for a start! By NOT always selling to your list. Starbucks forge a bond that results in most of their customers visiting again and again. How do we do the same? Easy -- LISTEN! Ask your visitors/subscribers what they want -- and listen to their replies. Provide solutions to their problems.

  • Retail is Detail!

    All business is detail. Slackness in detail will produce dissatisfied customers who will go elsewhere. And remember -- not only does everything matter -- but everyone matters too.

  • Dazzle!

    People have a secret hope these days to be dazzled. Delight your customers. Surprise them. Surprises can be free gifts, unadvertised bonuses, little things that go that extra mile. Don't always ask your list to dig out their credit card. Surprise 'em! You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Dazzle 'em immediately and you've got 'em for life.

  • Embrace Resistance.

    This is particularly apt to an online business. Making money online really is achievable. Making Money Online is a skill -- just like plumbing, or carpentry, or physics. But just like ANY skill - it can be learned. And just like learning anything new -- it takes time and discipline and focus. There will be frustration and headaches. Of course there will -- this is a new business. But instead of kicking the computer in frustration -- treat every obstacle as an exciting opportunity to learn more. I now welcome problems -- as they give me a great reason to obtain more knowledge of this exciting business. This attitude is probably the most important thing I have learned in the last 9 months.

  • Leave Your Mark.

    Successful business leaders realize that a key part of success is leaving a positive and powerful mark. Your aim is to have people wanting to do business with you. Every email you send, every thread you post, every comment you make -- is marketing. Remember that! It reflects on you. Never emotionally respond to something. Be polite at all times. Never sink to mud slinging. If you meet negativity be respectful to that person but don't waste any of your time with them.

                                                  by Chris Farrell

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